Sunday, January 31, 2010

Itz February~!

I'm back..
And Ms.Feb came without my notice..
Which means

cny coming soon
holidayz coming soon
valentines coming soon
And the next exam will be coming soon tOo..

So fast..~

Last 2 weeks went for 3 wedding dinners..
2 at pahang 1 at ipoh..
My eyes suffer for more than 10 hours with my con..
The worst part not because of the distance and eyes prob
But having exam for the next day..


But I hav no choice to stay..
Can only let it be as time is irreversible~

I'm adjusting the best mood to face those terrible results..~

Going to bake cookies now..xD
My first~!!!
And it's holiday today~
KL roxx..!!

Hav a nice day^~^

I'm posting this using a phone~
Cant edit de...




【Che3 yOn9】 said...

Wah..use phone..

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