Friday, December 11, 2009

Rubbish lovEr~!!

DiN p0r is OUT and leave me alone~!!!

It's Saturday again...
I skipped my piano again...
no choice, church stuff on again...
hope everything going on well today~~~

Yesterday, I finally noticed that my r00m was really a mess...~
yea yea..I cleaned it but still doesn't change much...

these are our rubbish~~~~~~~~~~ ==|
biggest mess in our r00m...
not my fault either~
my sis should pick up a little responsible...
I took these pics for fuN~
there are just like the rubbish me and ice created at ca0 ji~

hoho~ I like this very much...^^
White Christmas tree~

these are much more better than the rubbish dump we usually see...

I love MY rubbish~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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